Journal PaC
The professional magazine of the Czech pulp and paper industry
The publisher of magazne Papír a celulóza (Paper and Pulp) was the Association of the Czech Pulp and Paper Industry, now (since 2011) Vydavatelstvi Svet tisku s.r.o., Praha 10. The periodical is published on 36 pages since 1946. Subscribers are mostly paper companies and individual paper industry professionals from both the Czech Republic and abroad, as well as distributors (paper wholesalers), converters and paper and paper products customers (printing companies, publishers, packaging producers and users). Other organisations are represented as well (advertising agencies, investment funds, paper materials and machinery importers, vocational school and universities, research institutes, libraries, editorial departments etc.).
Available in bound form are the following bilingual paper industry dictionaries, originally published in instalments in the journal.
Czech-German Branch Dictionary | Price EUR 9 |
French-Czech Branch Dictionary | Price EUR 9 |
Czech-French Branch Dictionary | Price EUR 9 |
English-Czech Branch Dictionary | Price EUR 9 |
The editors also offer the Czech – English and English – Czech Branch Dictionary on CD ROM (price EUR 35). The price does not include VAT, postage and packing.
For further information, order forms, etc. please contact the journal's editors at the following address:
U Uranie 954/18, 170 00 Praha 7
Litoměřická 272, 411 08 Štětí
e-mail: redakce@ acpp. cz

Dělnická 213/12, 170 00 Praha 7
tel: +420 724 095 844
e-mail: acpp@ acpp. cz