Association of the Czech Pulp and Paper Industry
Dělnická 213/12, 170 00 Praha 7
Czech Republic
Company ID: 00570648
VAT no: CZ00570648
The Association is registered with the Municipal Court in Prague, Section L, File 63438
Managing director
Ing. Ivan Ševčík
tel.: +420 724 095 844
e-mail: sevcik@ acpp. cz
acpp@ acpp. cz
Jana Lick Řehořová
tel.: +420 777 185 983
e-mail: rehorova@ acpp. cz
Miloš Lešikar
tel.: +420 728 624 661
e-mail: lesikar@ acpp. cz
acpp@ acpp. cz
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Association of the Czech Pulp and Paper Industry
Dělnická 213/12, 170 00 Praha 7
tel: +420 724 095 844
e-mail: acpp@ acpp. cz

Dělnická 213/12, 170 00 Praha 7
tel: +420 724 095 844
e-mail: acpp@ acpp. cz